About me

My name is Franciszek Malinka, I’m a young programmer interested in Linux kernel, OCaml, bouldering, investing, music, my wife and coffee.

I got BSc degree in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Wrocław (see my thesis). Currently I’m pursuing Masters in Computer Science. My main interests are fair division (field of algorithmic game theory), operating systems, Linux kernel, embedded programming.

Me and Kobor recreating iconinc scene on the Hudson river.

I graduated XIVth High School in Wrocław, which is one of the best schools in Poland. I prepared and participated with success in the Polish Olympiad in Informatics, where I received the title of bronze laureate.

I’ve already done five six internships, most notably at Jane Street as a Linux engineer (twice) and at Google as a software engineer. Also I regularly teach first grade students progamming and algorithms at my former High School. I co-organize competitive programming camps and contests.

My résumé


My email: franciszek[dot]malinka[at]gmail[dot]com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/franciszek-malinka-ab17b51b6/